Thursday, 22 December 2011

We do not tolerate people that talk or text in the theater. In fact, before every film, we have several warnings on screen to prevent such happenings. Occasionally, someone doesn't follow the rules, and we do, in fact, kick their asses out of our theater. This video is an actual voicemail from a woman that was kicked out of one of our Austin theaters.

(talvez seja um tratamento um bocadinho extremo mas admito que às vezes me apetece fazer isto a alguns espectadores incómodos)

Istanbul Film Festival

Sei que já tenho um Fellini na parede mas não me importava de ter outro como aquele.
Mais disto por aqui.


 Stranger than Paradise, Jarmusch

Bande À Part, Godard

Jogo de sombras

It's Screaming Jay Hawkins, and he's a wild man, so bug off.